Sorry We Missed You
The British worki n g class is once aga in the empathet ic subject of Ke n L oach’s SORRY WE MISSED YOU, a wrenching, intimate family dram a t hat exposes the dark side of the s o -called “gig e conomy”. Ri cky, a former l a borer, and his home-attendant wi fe Abby—who lost t heir home in the 2 008 financial crash—are desper a t e to get out of their financial distre s s . When an opportunity comes up for Ricky to wo r k a s his o wn boss as a del ivery driver, they sell their on ly as set, Abby’s car, to t r ade it in for a s h iny new white van and the dream that Ricky can work h is way up to som eday owning his ow n delivery fran ch ise. B ut the couple finds their lives are quickly push ed f urther to the ed ge by an unrelenting w ork schedule, a r uth less supervisor an d the needs of t heir two teenage children. Capt uring the sacred m o m ents that ma ke a family as well as the acts of des pe ration they nee d to undertake t o make it through each day, this unive r s a l story is sk ill fully and indel ib ly told with u nforgettable perf ormances and a s earing script by Loach’s long-ti m e c ollaborator Paul Laverty.