About NTP4A
Serving Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Sullivan, & Tioga counties.
Northern Tier Partners for the Arts (NTP4A) is a fiscal partnership program of the Bradford County Regional Arts Council and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA).

Initiated in 1997, the NTP4A provides arts education programming for Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Sullivan, and Tioga counties. The NTP4A strives to provide intensive, on-going arts experiences that affirm the creative potential of each person; enhance technical knowledge and ability; inspire creativity; stimulate the expression of personal vision; and applaud achievement. NTP4A nurtures arts in education through collaborations among regional communities, schools and artists.
The PCA is a state agency charged with the development and promotion of the arts in the Commonwealth. To accomplish its mission, the PCA encourages educational excellence through participation in the creative process in schools and educational settings. Study of the arts provides Pennsylvania’s youth with positive models for teamwork, project management and goal setting, along with opportunities for academic achievement and intellectual and emotional discovery.
Call Us
Open Hours
M-F: 9am - 4pm
Office Location
2nd Floor
Towanda, Pennsylvania
Supported in part by the Bradford County Tourism Promotion Agency